Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Living With Osteoarthritis ... Body Helix Edition

I received a Body Helix Full Knee Compression Sleeve as part of being a BibRave Pro (Ambassador). Check out to find and write race reviews. 
I haven't included the disclaimer below in awhile, but I feel like it needs to be said again:
All of my reviews are completely honest and accurate. I am under no obligation to give these products a positive review. 

If you've been following along, you know that back in November I tore my mensiscus. Luckily, it was a small tear, requiring one teeny tiny cortisone shot, some rest, and (thankfully) no surgery. I did all the resting, I drove my family crazy, and on New Year's Day, I ran a race. Okay, I mostly walked  a race. Semantics. My knee felt good until about an hour after the race, and then it was super tender.... not where I injured it, but on the inside of the knee.
Back to the doc again. He tells me that I have osteoarthritis. Wonderful. He offers another shot (I declined) and gave me some meds. I was to take three more weeks off from running and then ease back in slowly. Do strength training. Change my diet.
Y'all. I'm dying. For real.

I waited the three weeks and then ordered a clunky brace that someone recommended to me. It helped with the pain, but it was so awkward, it didn't allow my knee enough freedom, and after awhile it really started to hurt the back of my knee!
Body Helix to the rescue. When I found out that they were partnering with BibRave, I legit begged to try it out. 

It came while I was in NOLA, so as soon as I got back, I was ready to try it out. It slides on and off so easily. No more clunky Velcro straps. No more awkward bunching.
I'm wearing it in the pic below. Go ahead. Zoom in. You can hardly see it! It's so comfy, and I don't want to die as I drive home after a run. I had to take the old one off afterwards or it was so painful!

Learning to deal with my osteoarthritis has been a rough road, and I am so glad to have one part of this journey figured out! I plan to buy a couple more soon, so I can wash them more often in between runs. That's right, it's machine washable and dryable. 
The Body Helix has medical grade compression, so it's working extra hard to compress those trouble areas and reduce your pain.
This sleeve also stays where you put it. During RnR NOLA, I had to stop and pull up the brace pretty much every mile. I ran Hot Chocolate in my Body Helix and never pulled it up once. Not even for the hour I spent cheering on the 15K runners afterwards.
The Body Helix stretches up to 300% so it doesn't alter your mobility. I can actually stretch after a run without removing it. 

Okay, so you are ready to buy your Body Helix. They don't just have sleeves for your knee! They also have a sleeve for pretty much every problem area on your arms, back,  and your legs! Check out all of their products HERE. It is mind blowing how many products they have.
Let's circle back to my knee, though. The Full Knee Helix comes in 5 different colors. If you are a shorts or skirt wearing person who likes to coordinate, this will be super handy. I plan to get black and plum. Plum is going to match about 75% of my Skirt Sports Happy Girls! 
Remember to read about how to measure. I was skeptical when I read that I should measure my knee cap. It seemed crazy to me that  my chunky thigh was going to fit into my sleeve, but it is perfect! 

I had to include one more pic. I am in the middle and Lissa is on the far right. We are both wearing a knee sleeve. You can't see them, but they are there! 

Be sure to check that link above for all of their products, measure, and use the discount code above to buy your Body Helix. 
Don't just take my word for it! Here is what some of my friends had to say:

Which one will you buy?

Check back for other products that are helping me with this new journey!


  1. I love mine too! Hooray for knee sleeve twinsies!

    1. If it wasn't so darn cold we could have done a pic of the sleeves, but no way was I pulling my pants leg up that day! brrrrr
