Thursday, July 4, 2019

Independence Day Racing with Knockaround

I received two pairs of Knockaround sunglasses as part of being a Bibrave Peo (ambassador). One for
The run and one for the fun. Check out to find and write race reviews.

Let’s start by talking about the run. Stay tuned tomorrow for the fun!
Last night I ran the Firecracker 5k in Charlotte. I arrived at the start and it was 101 degrees and humid!

Yikes! This was no longer a race, it was a fun run. No way was I trying to beat any PRs. I was just going to treat it as a run with some friends. I picked up my bib and got ready to run.

These sunglasses are amazing! The Fast Lanes are so sharp looking and the lenses have UV400 protection, which are perfect for SC sunny races! Plus they look gooooood. They are also 100% happiness guaranteed, and all US orders are free to return. Moot point, if you ask me, but I’m just putting that out there! They also offer free shipping on orders over $50.

Anyway. The run. Of course, I had to meet up with my peeps and take some selfies...

There were so many more! I didn’t want to bore anyone with them all. Time to line up, and I ran into Go Outside Girl at the start!

Ok, so I shared one more selfie! I could not resist. 
The course was a little hilly, and it was so hot. The residents were on point, though. Kids with water guns and sprinklers were in abundance. It was a life saver for sure. I ran through every one. Every. One. The first water stop had ice in the cups, but by the time I got to the second and third, their ice had melted. Darn heat wave! 

I definitely walked a lot. My average pace was just under 15 minutes and I was soaked, and not from the sprinklers. The finish line was fully stocked though! They had food, which I was not hungry for, and ice pops and water and Gatorade. I had two grape ice pops and two bottled waters. 

The medal is so cute! 
I was supposed to run the American Four Miler this morning but I woke up with a migraine and I was worried that running the race would further my dehydration and ruin the rest of the Holiday, so it was a DNS for me. I hate that, but I need to be smart!

Knockaround is having a sale from today until July 8th, and if you use the code BIBRAVEKNOCKS2 along with their sale, you get 45% off. YES! Time to go shopping!!

Did you race during the holiday?

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