Monday, June 3, 2019

Berlin Marathon Training Update

It’s been a hot minute since I’ve done one of these! Training is underway for the Berlin Marathon and I’m starting to approach those double digit long runs. Here’s hoping my foot holds up!

Monday was Memorial Day, so I started off at the Wear Blue: Run to Remember where I walked two miles. Then I met a friend for a Barre class at her swanky gym!

Tuesday was a track workout day, and I had 3x800s planned. Yikes, it about killed me, it’s getting hot here in the south! I also walked two miles and did 30 minutes of yoga with the focus on my achey feet. 

Wednesday I taught yoga and walked a mile. Heavy stuff indeed.

Thursday I walked a mile, did 15 minutes of yoga with a puppy in my face, and then packed up and headed out for the Get Outside Mountain Relay.

Friday morning was my first leg of the Relay. I had 5.4 of the hilliest, craziest mountainy hills ever. Also, loose dogs. Everywhere. Because of said loose dogs, and the increased number once the lights went out, we made the executive decision to stop running throughout the night and stick with the Half GOMR. 104+ miles of hills.

 After we packed up our camp and had lunch, we decided to spend the day hiking, since a bunch of us didn't get to finish our legs. We went to Stone Mountain, which was hillier than Sparta and just as beautiful. No loose dogs, though. Score!

Sunday was  a rest day, although I needed my steps. Dog walk only! My legs were toast!

What was your favorite workout this week?

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