I drove to the mall and scored my usual parking spot. Not too close to the exit but not too far, perfect for a short walk from the finish line, and an easy escape afterwards! This is my running club’s goal race so we all met up for a picture. This is a mixed bag of all three locations, and not everyone from each location was racing.
The race began on time, which is always nice. It had just started raining and I put on the poncho I brought. I get those disposable ones from Walmart that cost about a dollar. It was too hot and humid though and I decided that I prefer being wet! The rain has brought out the flowers and the scenery was great!
We ran a 1:1 and the only time we deviated was during the last mile. We were running downhill when my watch beeped and I decided to make use of the downhill and ran for two minutes instead. I had checked my best time from last year and I realized that I was headed for a course PR. I didn’t realize that I rarely run a 10k outside of Disney and I actually beat every best time for the last four years! Wow! Not bad for a 14 minute mile!
I even got a pic with Sir Purr and the they were serving turkey or ham wraps, which I brought home for lunch. I gave away my beer tickets and spectated until the storm got started up. My mamma didn’t raise no fool! I went right to my car when the lightening started. Luckily the race was over by then and everyone was able to finish!
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