Friday, November 30, 2018

The Running Event...Just a Taste

I attended The Running Event Influencer Day as part of being a BibRave Pro (ambassador). Check out to find and write race reviews.

I will be writing more in depth blogs in the next week or so about the whirlwind adventure in Austin, but I just wanted to throw out some fun pics of meeting the other BibRave Pros who took part. I only knew Meridith going into this adventure, but I met so many wonderful new friends yesterday!

When I get off of the plane in Austin Meridith was waiting for me, and we soon met up with Mark and Chris (pictured above). We all decided to Uber to our hotel together. Meredith and I were staying together, Mark was 2 blocks away, and Chris was a mile away. Chris left his stuff in our room and we moved on to accompany Mark to his hotel.

We moved onto Moonshine, a restaurant a block away from the host hotel. Soon we were joined by most of the other BibRave Pros!

On to sight see....

That night was an event with Zwift, which I will cover in a future blog...

And dinner out....

And a party with Brooks Running...

So much fun was had! Look out for future blogs about my adventures in Austin!

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Packing for TRE Influencer Day

I am attending TRE Influencer Day as part of being a BibRave Pro (ambassador). Check out to read and write race reviews.

Y'all, I can barely contain my excitement. I have been blessed with the most amazing gift. I am going to attend The Running Event, a Conference and Trade Show for Running Specialy Retailers. Mere mortals such as I don't usually get to attend this amazing event, but 20 BibRave Pros have been invited this year, and I am one of them!

Today I finally got to packing for this whirlwind, two day trip to Austin, TX.

Organized Chaos. I swear.
I have three events to attend while I am in Austin, the first being a welcome reception and a chance to watch some of the Pros test the new Zwift Footpod. I will be posting to my Instagram Story tomorrow night, so be sure and check it out. Zwift has made it possible to have fun on the treadmill, providing workouts with other Zwifters!

I ran through London the other night! So fun to watch the Zwift cyclists whizzing by!

Anyway, I digress. I had to pick an outfit to wear to that event....

Plus an outfit for our epic BibRave takes over Austin 5k Friday morning....

Plus an outfit to wear to the actual Expo, and then back to the plane.

Plus a variety of headwear...

Of course, these could change up at amy time, depending on how I feel! I also packed the essentials, plus some travel reading..

I am bringing Mirna's book because she will be at TRE, and we are going to get together for coffee at some point. I have not gotten this book signed yet, and it really needs to happen. I have seen Mirna twice already since getting the book, and forgot it both times.
Also, I have to switch planes in Chicago (I hate connecting flights, but it was so much cheaper) so I need plenty to read.

These 2 are in my suitcase, just in case I need them for the never ending flights to get home on Friday night!

I have taken screen shots of both of my plane tickets for the trip there, and I am ready to go!

Be sure to check out my Instagram to see what kind of shenanigans happen when BibRave goes to Austin!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Safe Running with Sabre Pepper Gel

I received Sabre Pepper Gel as part of being a BibRave Pro (ambassador). Check out to read and write race reviews.

As much as we hate to admit it, as women it just isn't 100% safe to run alone anymore. You can't seem to go more than a few weeks without hearing some story about a runner who was abducted, harmed, or groped, while out by herself.
There are a few different things we can do to keep ourselves safe....

Vary your route. Don't run the same route every time, mix it up as often as possible.

Run without headphones, or use bone conduction technology headphones so you can hear everything around you.

Don't park your car somewhere secluded, and don't leave your valuables out in plain sight. If a thief can't see what is inside, they might pass your car by.

Take a self defense class. Knowing some tricks can always be helpful in case someone attacks you on your run.

Run with a buddy if you can. If not, let some people know where and when you'll be running. There are all kinds of apps that allow family to follow your route while you run.

Carry pepper gel, especially one that straps to your hand for easy use. You don't want to lose time trying to pull it from a pocket!

Take it out on a test run, and make sure you know how to use it!

The Runner Pepper Gel with adjustable hand strap is perfect for runners. It comes in black as shown, but also in pink! It is super strong and has UV marking dye for suspect identification. Whoa. The gel eliminates wind blow back and only affects who you spray it at! Each canister contains 35 bursts, and the top locks and unlocks easily for use and safety when not in use!

Sabre also has some amazing other safety products! They have a personal alarm that clips on to your waist or running belt.

The button is easy to press and emits an alarm that can be heard 600 feet away! There is also an LED light for safety around cars when running in the dark. It's also weather proof!

The pepper gel can also come with a multi sport adjustable arm band for those who run and ride!

There is no end to what you can find at their site, whether you're an athlete, someone who likes to hike, or just want to feel safe in your own home.

Stalk their website today! Do you carry pepper spray when you run?

Monday, November 26, 2018

Monday Training Update

I hope you all had an amazing Thanksgiving! We had guests from Monday night until Sunday morning. For two days, there were 5 extra people in the house, so it got a little crazy!

Monday i was running last minutes errands and didn't exercise at all. Total fail. I did walk around the mall a bit, maybe a mile total. I was looking for this guy for part of that walk.

Tuesday I got out and did a 5k run before hanging with my mom, running more errands. Not a terrible pace, considering the hills.

Wednesday was a run around the universe kind of day. My mom had things she wanted to see. Luckily, the day started with teaching a yoga class.

Thursday I started the day with a Turkey Trot. I blogged about it, but I will say again, my best 4 mile race in 3 years! What?!

Friday was spent with my daughter and her crew, and ended with teaching yoga.

Saturday was cold and miserable, we decorated the house and hung out.

Sunday we went for a walk. Not crazy, but we were recovering from all that company! I did put up my Disney tree.

Did you work out a lot last week, or take a bit of a break, like I did?

Friday, November 23, 2018

Millbridge Turkey Trot

When I found out that the neighborhood next to mine hosted a Turkey Trot, I was all about it! Two years ago, the Trot I did was 45 minutes away, last year was 25 minutes away. This one was 2 miles away! Winning!

I left for the race a bit early so I could drop some books at their little free library and get situated before the race started.

I hung out with some friends before the start, and they started pretty much on time.

It was mostly neighborhood peeps, many carrying dogs, and lots of kids. It was awesome.

I had no goals in mind, just a 4 mile training run.

Mile one was just under 13 minutes. What? Yikes, that won't last. Between the PF and my slow pace lately, it had to be a fluke.

So hilly. Omg. But at mile 2...

Santa, I know him! He was on a downhill, so obviously a selfie was in order.

More hills. Luckily the last half mile was downhill!

My final time?

Omg I cannot believe I maintained that pace!

They had mimosas at the finish, but no water on the course. That kind of annoyed me, it is easy to get dehydrated in the cold weather!

I came home and checked, and it was my fastest time in 3 years! The last time I ran this distance faster was 2015! Wow!

Happy Black Friday, y'all!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Staying Healthy with iKOR Performance CBD

I received a bottle of iKOR performance CBD as part of being a BibRave Pro (ambassador). Check out to read and write race reviews!

For months my son has been trying to get me to try out CBD oil. He swears by it, and has brought me home some samples, but I just never tried it out. He was so happy when iKOR Performance CBD arrived on our doorstep. He even brought it to work (a local Vape store) and showed it to everyone!

I started taking iKOR every morning with my breakfast and definitely enjoyed the benefits. iKOR protects your body from the stresses of training, improves your recovery, and helps maintain a positive mental state. It's also an antioxidant, anti inflammatory, and a mood booster.

My favorite benefit is not mentioned above. I fall asleep so much faster now. Maybe it's part of the mood boosting? I'm less stressed so I fall asleep faster? I am loving that I don't lay there for an hour every night, and I rarely wake up in the middle of the night. I'm loving it!

iKOR recommends that after taking Performance CBD for 1 week, you take 3 days off. This shows you how your mood has changed, how your stress level has gone down. Once that 3 day break is over, go back to taking it every day and see how great you feel!

When I took my 3 day break, I definitely noticed a change in my sleep. I felt much better while I was taking it daily!

I have just been taking it in the morning, but they do suggest taking it twice a day, and each bottle will last you about 60 days. It has a natural citrus flavor that is just a little bit tart.

When you order yours, be sure to use the discount code BibRave20 for 20% off in 2018.

Let me know how much better you are sleeping and how your stress levels are!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Monday Training Update

Happy Thanksgiving Week! It's going to be a crazy week, with my parents, my daughter, her fiance, and a friend all coming to stay with us. I doubt this week's workouts will look this good!

Monday: rest day! Ok so maybe I didn't start out that well. I did do a plank, so obviously I'm on top of it!

Tuesday: 35 minutes on the elliptical with the hubs, 33 minutes Barre class, and a plank. Totally made up for Monday.

Wednesday: 45 minutes teaching yoga and a plank

Thursday: 45 minutes teaching yoga and a plank

Friday: 35 minutes kickboxing, 45 minutes teaching yoga, and a plank!

Saturday: 5.3 miles with my pace group and a plank

Sunday was wreath making and Friendsgiving, so basically a rest day.

What was your favorite work out last week?