Last night, I went to see Elton John with my daughter, SIL, and some of my daughter’s friends. We had nose bleed seats in Giant’s Stadium, and it was close to 100 degrees out, but it was an amazing night! If you have a chance to see Elton play before he retires, I highly suggest it!
Sunday, July 24, 2022
Elton John’s Goodbye Yellow Brick Road Tour
Friday, July 22, 2022
Fiction Friday
I am currently reading a TON of books. At least, that’s how it feels right now. I’m traveling, and my tote bag is half clothes, half books. And it’s HEAVY.
I am wary of traveling by air, mostly because I hate to relinquish control of my life. I’m definitely the first to admit it. I like to be the one driving, and when I’m at Disney, i prefer a Jazzy over a wheelchair (stupid osteoarthritis).
I’m currently taking part in 5 different buddy reads, plus I have a handful of books I was given in exchange for a review. Sometimes it can be overwhelming, but I love to read, so that feeling rarely lasts long.
Here’s a little peek into my reading life right now…
The Fellow Flowers crew is reading this together. I can’t make most of the Zoom calls, but I’m reading along anyway. This is so relevant for me right now, and I’m curious to see what I should be doing strength wise.
What are you reading right now?