ok, y'all, it's time for some real talk.
Just after Halloween, I ran the Two Course Challenge at Wine n Dine in Disney.
It was amazing, but slightly painful, nothing that kept me from attending the After Party at EPCOT, or walking around Disney Springs the next day.
While getting onto the plane that final night, I twisted my knee. It was such a stupid thing, really. I was twisting to get into my cramped seat while simultaneously pushing my tote under the seat in front of me. Sudden flash of excruciating pain, and so uncomfortable for the rest of the flight. I kept hoping that when we landed, the pain would be gone and I would be on my merry way. I was also worrying about all of the races I would have to cancel if it still hurt.
When we landed, I couldn't put weight on it at all. I had to lean on the seats to deplane, and the railing to get off of the gangway. I had to ask a very rude ticket agent to call for a wheelchair because there was no way I could walk close to a half mile to get out of the airport. Mortifying.
I went to the doc the next morning. A sure sign that an injury is bad! I could hardly sleep and the next morning I still couldn't out weight on it. The doc drained fluid from my knee and gave me a cortisone shot. And then he said the dreaded words: No running for a week. Followed by more dreaded words: We will reevaluate next week.
So I went home and put my feet up.
I ordered new shoes for my dramatic comeback.
I read. A lot. I finished four books that weekend.
I went back a week later, found out there would be no surgery (hooray!) and was told to take two more weeks off. That's tomorrow y'all. Tomorrow I get to run. But I digress.
I went to the expo for the 5k I was going to run. I decided to walk it.
I bought more shoes.
I walked the 5k. It didn't hurt.
I went out with friends.
I did some goat yoga, and stopped doing poses that caused any discomfort, no matter how minor.
I watched more TV.
And I healed. Mostly. Let's be honest, I have a ways to go. I have to ease back in to running, which means that tonight I get to run a quarter mile. That's it. Seriously.
If the quarter mile feels ok, I can run a half mile at the Turkey Trot on Thursday. If that feels good.... well, you get the point. I learned a few things while I healed...
It's ok to cry when something hurts
That thing can be emotional as well as physical
Giving up your bibs due to injury sucks
Gifting those bibs feels good
Hallmark Christmas Movies cure all ills
So does Baby Yoda
I realize that there are more than a few things here
Physical Therapy sucks, but when the doc lets you do it at home. it sucks less
Following orders is the key to success in healing
I miss running
I still need to try for a 50k
I miss running
I think a dozen are good enough. Have you ever had an injury that wrecked your goals?