Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Training Update with the RunGo app


Remember that 6 week hiatus I forced upon myself to give my foot a rest? Well, it ended this week. Party time!!!!
Monday was supposed to be my first run, but I may have jumped the gun just a little bit, and started running last week. Yeah, I suck at self imposed hiatuses. Big time.
My foot feels awesome! There is still some cramping, and I did manage to force myself to take it super easy, to the tune of 13 minute miles, but Holy heck, it feels good to be back!
Before this hiatus, I was invited to be an Ambassador for the RunGo app.   I had some time to try it out before I was sidelined and now I can start using it again! Hooray!
So what does this app do?
RunGo tracks your essential running stats including time, distance, pace and calories. You can select from voice navigated routes, or just run. As a virtual running partner, you can hear customized distance or time notifications right through your headphones. After a route is downloaded, RunGo can function even without cellphone service or data.
If you choose one of the voice navigated routes, it gives you turn by turn directions! You can also add your favorite runs to the app. Here at the Jersey Shore, someone added the route for the Asbury Park Half Marathon, so if you wanted to do a dry run, you totally could do that. If you had a race coming up and the website had the route posted, you could add it to the app and test it out before the big day!

So, here is a screen shot of the main screen when you open the app. It gives you some options for routes in your area. I added the tour of Point Pleasant and I also added Checking out the Boardwalk. Because, you know, it's what I do. Someone else added the course for the Spring Lake Five, a HUGE race in our area that attracts 10,000+ runners every year. There is also a route for the Belmar Five, which is part of a Race Series here at the Jersey Shore. As you can see, you can also run without a route.
Safety tip: I took this screen shot away from my home, and all of the routes I upload start at local parks, so that total strangers aren't queueing up in my front yard to start their runs! One can never be too careful!

Other features of the app.....
  • Provides voice-navigated, turn-by-turn directions along popular running routes
  • Allows runners to discover new routes without relying on maps
  • Alerts users if they go off-course
  • Option for additional information including restroom locations and points of interest
  • Listen to your music and take calls while being navigated
  • Tracks all the top running app stats including time, distance, pace and calories burned

  • There are also routes for major cities all over the world, such as NYC  and London! If you are on vacation or a business trip, and want to get a run in, you can open the app and check out runs in your area! They will be runner tested and runner approved!
    Best of all, you can get this app for free! Check it out  for the iPhone or for the Android!

    You can also stalk them on Twitter and Instagram!
    Be sure to let me know what you think of the app once you've tried it out!

    How many routes show up in your neighborhood?

    Tuesday, September 29, 2015

    The Food Dare book review #idareyou

    I have finally started running again, which has me super excited, but I just cannot get a handle on my food plan! One of my fellow FitFluential Ambassadors has written a challenging book, and was kind enough to give me a sneak peek in exchange for this review! As always, all opinions are my own!

    I double dog dare you to check out this book!

    The Food Dare, by Lindsey Banks,  is a book full of dares. Definitely less painful than sticking your tongue to a freezing flag pole, but for many, just as rough! The difference is, and this is where it gets a little easier, you take it one dare at a time over the course of 30 days. The book is divided into 3 different sections: Water, Color, and Clean.
    Each chapter tackles 10 days of changes to your habits with your water intake, your fruits and veggies, and your food intake. It focuses on healthier ways to eat, drink, and live.
    Each day, you take five minutes or so to read about your newest dare. If you're a planner like me, you might even want to read the night before. Lindsey gives you great tips and facts about your newest dare and then she lays it on you. Some dares are quick and easy, some might take all day to complete. I read through the entire chapter on water for the purposes of this review, but I will be starting from the beginning tomorrow morning as I start my 30 days of dares.

    I love that I do not have to over plan and over haul my life all in one day. This gradual building of lifestyle changes using Lindsey's tools and tips is right up my alley! PLUS if you sign up through the Food Dare you can upgrade to a Team Membership for additional support! There are also printouts included through the book with a Quick Start Guide and a Daily Calendar for accountability. I must admit, I fangirled over the calendar. You all know how much I love them. There is something about crossing off each day as you accomplish your goal. Totally motivating!
    Interested? I know you are! Before you scamper over to the website, here is a coupon code for 20% off: idareyou 
    Come on, you had to see that coming! This coupon is good until November 30th, so don't dawdle!
    So I dare you, no, I triple dog dare you, to get your copy today and start your journey to healthier eating! Let me know how much you liked it!
    BONUS: If you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the web page, there is a link for a FREE monthly challenge group for extra motivation. In the past she had held push up challenges, no junk food challenges, and more!

    Once you begin, be sure to let Lindsey know how much you love it via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!

    Check back in 30 days, and see if I managed to complete all the dares! I will also try to post regularly on Instagram! I will be using #thefooddare and #idareyou

    Sunday, September 27, 2015

    #BOSUStrong Stretch and Tone

    Week 3: My 5 fave stretches and 3 tips for toning your running legs!

    I can’t believe its already week 3 of the #BosuStrong challenge, time flies when  you’re having fun! Last week we focused on balance and I was proud of myself for working on my tree pose. This week its all about stretching and toning – so make sure you join in on the fun!

    Since we’re talking about stretching here are 5 of my all time favorite stretches:

    • I love to stretch my legs by doing calf stretches_.
    • My favorite total body stretch is__corpse pose.
    • I swear when I do_wall sits_, it feels like _my legs will fall off__.
    • I stretch my mind by _reading. a lot___.
    • I try to stretch out of my comfort zone by_trying new things that scare me.

    And if you’re looking for a great way to tone your _legs_, here are my fave 3 tips (tricks, advice, words of wisdom, etc):
    1.  stretch after every run
    2. squats squats squats
    3. floor work sucks but it's a killer way to tone your legs!

    So I want to know – are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

    The daily prompts are below. You can also follow along HERE.

    Week 3, time to STRETCH & TONE!: (9/28-10/2):
    (Make sure you tag @Bosu_Fitness on Instagram & @BosuFitness on Twitter):

    • Monday, 9/28: We’re starting the week with some side lunges! Show us how you work those inner and outer thighs @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
    • Bonus: Y’all know we love to #jumpjoymonday! Show us your BEST jump shot and tag @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
    • Tuesday, 9/29: It’s #tempotuesday! Show us your fave body toning move @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
    • Bonus: It’s #triceptuesday and we want to see you dip! Now drop down and give us 20 tricep dips. #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Wednesday, 9/30: Grab a partner and show us how you tone it up together! @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad

        • Bonus: #workitwednesday, show us how you’re workin’ in a good stretch this Wednesday and tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    • Thursday, 10/1: It’s #totalbodythursday. Show us your favorite total body stretch. #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Bonus: Give us a #tbt of a time when you really stretched outside of your comfort zone (feel free to get creative!) #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Friday, 10/2: #FreeFriday. Show us your favorite stretch! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

      • Bonus: Happy #forearmfriday. Show us a move that helps you stretch and tone #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    Notes: You do not need to own or have access to a BOSU to participate. By participating you will have a chance to win a BOSU and other fun prizes. And please, if you are using a BOSU throughout this challenge, never stand on your BOSU with the dome facing down (images or moves down on the BOSU incorrectly will not count during this challenge).

    Disclaimer: this post was sponsored by BOSU but all opinions expressed are my own. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Fit Approach (Sweat Pink) community.

    Thursday, September 24, 2015

    Thursday Training Update and a Pinterest Challenge

    I ran yesterday.
    This seems like an important place to start, even though it was only a mile. It was a crampy mile as well, my foot was not happy but it also didn't hurt. This is huge. It doesn't hurt today either, so tomorrow I will attempt a full 30 minutes and see how that goes.
    If it goes poorly, I am sure you will know.

    Other than that one glorious mile, it was a pretty tame week.well, besides that marathon we biked. The hubs is all about a repeat performance, so we will be biking to Asbury Park this Saturday to keep it interesting.
    Anyway, this week's workouts.....

    There were lots of walks as well. The weather here has been amazing! 
    The ladies at Skirt Sports have put together an amazing Pinterest Challenge! Be sure to visit their page and enter!

    Tuesday, September 22, 2015

    I'm a #261fearless Ambassador!

    I cannot even describe the happy dancing that went on last night!
    After an amazing first night at our Fall Girls on the Run program, I checked my email in the parking lot and found out I am a 261 Fearless Ambassador! Ohhhh the happy dancing. I am sure the other peeps at the park thought I was losing it.

    What is 261Fearless?
    261 Fearless is a global community of women, be she a walker, jogger, runner, or front of the pack racer, who have found strength, power and fearlessness from putting one foot in front of the other. This strength has allowed her to overcome doubt and adversity in her life and she has the ability and desire to give support to other women who want to take on their personal challenges through running or walking. This is a safe community of support, respect, friendship and sharing of accomplishments and a place for women who want to become runners and walkers to find their fearless through the connection with others. We take no notice of ability, body-type, religion or ethnicity as we all hold the universal language of putting one foot in front of the other. We communicate on social media as @261Fearless, through closed social channels and personally in our communities, clubs, groups and at events. We are here because sometimes, you just need to know you are not alone. If you are a female runner or soon to be runner, please join the 261 Fearless Movement.

    How perfect is this? I am so excited to be working with the amazing Kathrine Switzer for the next year, and I look forward to representing women runners! 

    Monday, September 21, 2015

    Knowing When To Take a Step Back

    I was so excited to start Insanity Asylum today. The agility moves are perfect for a runner in training.

    I had the jump rope, I ordered the agility ladder, and I was ready to go.

    I got 25 minutes into the workout before I realized that it was a huge mistake. My foot just isn't ready for this kind of abuse. I'm bummed, I'm not gonna lie. It was seriously fun, and really hard. Those were 25 sweaty minutes. 
    I will be revisiting this series when my foot is ready. For now? I'm thinking of something like Yoga Booth Ballet. I'm printing out the calendar now, so that I'm ready to start tomorrow or Wednesday. 
    Next week starts the Couch to 10k program, and I don't want anything to get in the way of me running again. I need the run like I need air. And chocolate.

    What workout program are you doing right now?

    Sunday, September 20, 2015

    6 Ways I Stay Balanced #BOSUStrong

    If you forgot to join me last week for the #BOSUStrong challenge or just weren’t up for the cardio, make sure you join me this week as it’s all about the balance! We’re standing on one leg, lunging, and squatting our way through the week.

    But balance means more than just being able to stand on one leg, it also means being able to do what you love while making healthy choices at the same time. It means putting in the work and still finding time for fun. Or eating the cake but balancing it out with _a run.

    Here are the 6 ways I stay balanced – what are yours?

    • I make time for myself by reading or coloring in one of my adult-ish coloring books.
    • My favorite me time is reading on the beach.
    • My rule when it comes to a balanced diet is do your best, and don't beat yourself up.
    • I make fitness a priority by _scheduling workouts in my planner_.
    • When I get stressed or overwhelmed, my go to is chocolate, I'm not gonna lie_.
    • I do family game nights to help my family stay balanced.

    So I want to know – are you #BOSUStrong? Copy and paste the above, fill it in and make it your own and then tag me in it and share with your friends! Let’s all be #BOSUSTRONG.

    The daily prompts are below.

    Week 2, it’s all about that BALANCE (9/21-9/25):
    (Make sure you tag @Bosu_Fitness on Instagram & @BosuFitness on Twitter):

      • Monday, 9/21: Happy Monday sweaties, this week we’re all about that balance. Let’s see you stand on one leg – ready, set, GO! #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
        • Bonus: Y’all know we love to #jumpjoymonday! Show us your BEST jump shot and tag @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
      • Tuesday, 9/22: We want to see you #dropitlikeasquat…on your BOSU or perhaps one leg? #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
        • Bonus: It’s time for #treetuesday! Show us your best tree pose. @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
      • Wednesday, 9/23: Let’s lunge it out sweaties! #BosuStrong #SweatPink #FitFamily @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
        • Bonus: #workitwednesday, show us how you’re workin’ it this Wednesday and tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
      • Thursday, 9/24:  It’s #totalbodythursday. Show us your favorite total body balance  move! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    • Bonus: Give us a #tbt of a time when you really challenged your balance (feel free to get creative!) #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    • Friday, 9/25: #FreeFriday. Show us your favorite way to get your balance on! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
      • Bonus: Happy #forearmfriday. Let’s forearm plank it out y’all! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    Notes: You do not need to own or have access to a BOSU to participate. By participating you will have a chance to win a BOSU and other fun prizes. And please, if you are using a BOSU throughout this challenge, never stand on your BOSU with the dome facing down (images or moves down on the BOSU incorrectly will not count during this challenge).

    Disclaimer: this post was sponsored by BOSU but all opinions expressed are my own. I truly appreciate all of the brands that support the Fit Approach (Sweat Pink) community.

    Saturday, September 19, 2015

    That Time We Rode a Marathon

    At some point during the week, the hubs texted me with his grand plans for a bike ride. Last weekend we rode 13.6 mikes and it just about killed him. His plans were for a ride to and from the park where we got married just over 20 years ago.
    Well, it's 6 miles to the bike path, plus 7 more to the park. And the  we have to come back.
    Oh my heck.
    Last night we went out with friends and I emded up in bed just after 1. And then the cat woke us up at 2. And then I overslept.  We ended up leaving at almost 10:30 instead of 8.

    It was a great day for it, there was a nice breeze almost the entire time, lots of shade. But also a lot of hills. Traffic was bad as well, due to.the Seafood Festival in town, but the bike trail was blissfully empty.

    There was a craft show there, so walked a bit before we started back. It's always nice to visit the church where we got married!

    The ride back was a little rougher, and I was really feeling yesterday's squats and lunges. Luckily, the spot we chose for lunch was at the end of the bike trail, so we got to take a break sooner this time.

    There was also more traffic on the way back and we had some close calls. I was very happy to be back home! My legs are very tired now, and the couch is calling me!
    Tomorrow is the last day of 21 Day Fix, I will post my results on Monday!

    Thursday, September 17, 2015

    Thursday Training Update

    I'm so close to running again, I can almost taste it! One more week of rest and I ready to start the Couch To 10k program! Fall half marathons here I come! Slowly, but surely!
    Taking it a bit easy this week, allergies and migraines have side lined me!

    Wednesday, September 16, 2015

    Wordless Wednesday

    Excited about starting this on Monday....
    If you want to do it with me, comment below so I can add you to my private Facebook group!

    Monday, September 14, 2015

    Training with a Training Plan and #JeffGalloway

    As a Jeff Galloway Blogger, I get fun emails full of tips to pass on to my readers. This month's tips are about training with a Training Plan.
    I'm currently training for Wine and Dine, and once I start running again, I will be following Jeff's training plan. For now, I'm walking and riding my bike.

    Training plans are great for runners of all skill levels. They keep you on track, help prevent injury, and help you improve.
    Key training elements.....
    Longer runs build endurance. Don't stress if your pace is slower on th see runs. I run a couple minutes slower per mile on average once I hit 8 mile runs.
    Hilly runs build strength. This is so important. I don't generally train on hills, because they are hard to find at the shore,and I got injured running a hilly race. No hills in your area? Try to find a bridge or a treadmill that you can adjust.
    Scenic or group runs are fun and keep you coming back for more!

    Run every other day. This helps your performance, allows for healing, and helps you schedule your workouts. Hills can be run during weekday short runs and long runs can be done on weekends when you have more time. If you don't work a traditional 9-5 job, adjust the plan to fit your needs.

    Cross training on off days should be workouts that don't fatigue the calf muscles, such as walking. I love doing yoga or pilates on those days to stretch and strengthen my muscles.

    Vary your course. This is not only safer, it also prevents boredom. I have a few tried and true courses that  I tend to stick with, but I mix them.up when possible.

    Be sure to take it easy the day before and after a long run. Drink water. 

    Do NOT skip the rest days. This will.not make you stronger, it might even injure you. Overtraining is a very real thing!

    Write it down. The weather, the distance, the time, the mission. Write down your aches and pains. When I injured my toe last year, I looked back and saw that I had started feeling sore way earlier than I originally thought. These little things are easy to forget! My fave journal is the Believe I Am journal. 

    Check out for training plans any need!

    Sunday, September 13, 2015

    5 Things That Make Me #BosuStrong

    Today I am embarking on a 4 week challenge with Bosu and Sweat Pink to prove to the world that I am #BOSUSTRONG. I will squat, mountain climb, plank, push up, lunge, stretch and strengthen my way to a stronger and healthier body. And I will encourage friends and family to join me on this fun journey because we are one big, happy, #FitFamily.
    Being #BODUStrong is not just about movement, sweat, or even owning a Bosu, it's about being a leader, an inspiration to others, and sharing my own fitness journey with others. The 5 things that make me #BOSUStrong ARE:
    1. My strong legs.
    2. My ability to rise to the challenge.
    3. My love for being active.
    4. My healthy body.
    5. And my love of exercise.
    So, I want to know- are you #BOSUStrong?
    Copy and paste the above, fill in the blanks and make it your own, tag me in it, and share with your friends! Let's all be #BOSUStrong!

    Week 1 Instagram prompts (9/14-9/18):
    (Make sure you tag @Bosu_Fitness on Instagram & @BosuFitness on Twitter):

    • Monday, 9/14: It’s #MOUNTAINCLIMBMONDAY! Show us your favorite way to climb that mountain whether it be with hiking poles, in plank position or….? Tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    • Bonus: Y’all know we love to #jumpjoymonday! Show us your BEST jump shot and tag @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
    • Tuesday, 9/15: #tempotuesday we want to see how you’re getting your heart rate up today. Tag @BOSU_Fitness @FitApproach #BOSUStrong #FitFamily #SweatPink #ad
    • Bonus: Show us your favorite tricep workout and tag #triceptuesday and #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Wednesday, 9/16: Drop down and give us some #BURPEES! Even better if you can make them #BOSUBurpees! Tag  #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Bonus: #workitwednesday, show us how you’re workin’ it this Wednesday and tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Thursday, 9/17: It’s #totalbodythursday. Show us your favorite total body cardio move! Tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Bonus: Give us a #tbt of the most brutal cardio workout you’ve ever done! Tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Friday, 9/18: #FreeFriday. Show us your favorite way to get your cardio on! #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad
    • Bonus: Put those forearms to work. Show us your BEST cardio move for #forearmfriday. Forearm plank mountain climbers, dolphin push-ups, forearm plank toe taps…something else? Tag #BOSUstrong #FitFamily #SweatPink @Bosu_Fitness @FitApproach #ad

    Saturday, September 12, 2015

    Boobie Run Virtual Race.... on a bike

    Since I am still two weeks away from my next run, I rode my bike for Skirt Sports' Boobie Run. Since I am nowhere near Colorado, I did it virtually with the hubs.

    The hubs and I headed out this morning with a basic 8 mile route in our heads. The weather was perfect. We crossed the first bridge and headed down the road I chose. When we were getting ready to make a left, the hubs decided we should make a right and cross another bridge. We would basically have to cross over and then come right back. I thought he was nuts but we went anyway. 
    Then he decides we need to hit our favorite bakery for some lunch rolls. 
    Ummmmmm ok.
    The bakery was mile 6.5 and we were easily still 6 miles away from home. 
    So instead of an out and back we did a crazy 5 town loop back home. 
    Three bridges.
    Two long hilly roads.
    13.6 miles.
    I'm tired.
    But we finished!

    Friday, September 11, 2015

    Flat Mama Friday Boobie Run Virtual Race

    This weekend is the Skirt Sports Boobie Run Virtual Race. Since I am still not running, I will be riding 8 miles on my bike with the hubs.
    Check out the ad for the flash sale as well! Please do not use any additional coupons!

    Thursday, September 10, 2015

    Thursday Training Update

    Happy Thursday! It is storming here on the east coast, hopefully we will have some cooler weather or at least a little less humidity!
    I've been having a lot less pain with my capsulitis, I've even had some pain free days and some days where there was just a little swelling! My plantar fasciitis is definitely on haitus. No boot at night, no insert in my shoes. I am enjoying it and hoping it will last!
    And now, on to the workouts!
    Friday: lots of walking. I took the boy shopping for school clothes at the mall and we walked around a lot. There was also some dog walking that night.

    Saturday: the hubs and I did a lot of walking  plus we rode our bikes to and from a party at our clubhouse. 

    Sunday: the boy and I had a yard sale. There was much moving of heavy things throughout the day. We also went shopping afterwards, so he could spend his hard earned cash. It was exhausting.
    Monday: the hubs and I drove about 8 hours round trip to help my parents move some furniture. We spent about 2 hours moving furniture up and down stairs. 
    Tuesday: totally lazy day. 
    Wednesday: to make up for my lazy Tuesday, I did double workouts yesterday. Today, my body aches!

    Not a terrible week, I must say. I am looking forward to running, I'm not gonna lie. Almost 4 weeks of no running down with two more to go. 
    What's the longest you've gone without running?

    Wednesday, September 9, 2015

    My Next Accountability Group Will Be.....

    I cannot wait to start my next group! I have been hearing all of this great stuff about Shaun T, and he has a great sports training workout series called Asylum.

    Why It Works

    Recent studies show:
    • A typical exercise program can help you lose 5 pounds in 30 days.
    • A typical diet can help you lose 8 pounds in 30 days.
    • People completing INSANITY: THE ASYLUM's LOCKDOWN lost an average of 18 pounds in just 30 days and up to an extraordinary 30 pounds.*†
    With INSANITY: THE ASYLUM's LOCKDOWN plan you'll burn up to a thousand calories per workout, follow a revolutionary meal plan designed to optimize fat loss, and have legendary trainer Shaun T with you every step of the way to keep you committed to achieving your INSANE WEIGHT-LOSS goals.
    Will it be challenging? Sure. But you can do anything for 30 days. And that's all it will take for THE ASYLUM's LOCKDOWN plan to get you in the best shape of your life

    The Asylum is a 30 day program, a great way to get you into the habit of working out, and it is tailor made for athletes, which is great for runners!

    The set comes comes with everything you need for 3 payments of $19.95  

    OR you can get it via On Demand for just $2.99 per week, which is billed quarterly, $38.87 for 3 months! Best part? The first month is FREE! You will need to provide your own jump rope and ladder  (or tape on the floor works as well) but everything you need is On Demand, including all of the printables that are available when you order the set.

    The group starts on September 21, which gives you plenty of time to decide which option you want. I will have a PRIVATE facebook group for us to hang out in, swap war stories, and get motivation. How do you join? Purchase either of the two options (my Coach ID, should they ask, is 761682) and let me know you want to join. I will invite you to the group (we will have to be facebook friends for that part) and we can all start getting to know each other.
    I keep the group small, so get on board before space runs out!

    Who will I see in the Asylum?