I fee like I'm finally getting back into the groove, nothing like setting 2016 goals to get you moving again!
I have a great step streak going, 11 days in a row so far, and lots of packing has also been going on.
So back to the workouts....
Sunday I decided to get off my lazy butt, and I put out the call on Facebook, and luckily my friend Joy was headed out for a 20 miler. Noooo, I didn't do 20, but we did speed walk 10 together. Total blogger fail, no pics of us together, but I did take some.
Wednesday, December 30, 2015
Thursday Training Update
Sunday, December 27, 2015
2016 Achievement Board
After a lot of consideration, I chose words instead of a word for my 2016 goals. In the past I have used Persevere, Relentless, and Believe. This year, I chose I Can. Because I can. It's definitely something I need to keep reminding myself.
I can finish the NYC marathon.
I can continue to follow Weight Watchers and ultimately reach my goal.
I can.
I used circles for my goals this year, like the dot on the letter i. As I reach my goals, I will color them in. Last year I used red and green. The year before was lime and aqua. I haven't quite decided what colors to use yet, maybe some that relate to our big move to SC in February?
Friday, December 25, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Wordless Wednesday, January Challenge and Shower Pill Discount Code
Ok, almost wordless. I made my own challenge for January. Each day of the month, match the letters of that day's word to the exercise list for a new unique workout each day!
When you are done sweating, use a Shower Pill to clean yourself up!
Mainly Marathons, 5 Races, 5 Days, 5 States. One free race!
I was surprised this morning to see that a race series I have heard about but never particpated in, was offering one free race to every runner in 2016! Holy heck!
I immediately went to their site to check for a race in SC, since that is where I am moving to in February!
They have an Appalachian series, with a race in SC, in October. Hooray!
I signed up for the marathon (following the directions, and emailing instead of registering via the website) to use as a practice run for NYC. Double holy heck!
Jump on over to Mainly Marathons and see if the are coming to an area you want to race in! You don't have to do all 5 races to get one free!
I am in no way affiliated with this race series, nor have I ever run one of their races. I just like to share a great deal when I find one!
Monday, December 21, 2015
Happy 1st Day of Winter
... from the Jersey Shore, where it's 60 degrees out, and supposed to hit 70 on Christmas Day! I think Jersey is trying to prep us for our move to South Carolina!
Thursday, December 17, 2015
2016 Reading Challenges
I love to read. Our new house will actually have a library, every book nerd's dream! Each year I take on the Goodreads.com Reading Challenge, where you set a goal and try to read that many books during the course of the year. This year I exceeded my goal of 30 books, so my 2016 goal is 40.
Some gals in my Facebook Reading Club turned me on to a new challenge:
Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Friday, December 11, 2015
Zooma Run Love Virtual Race.... Coming Soon!
The Zooma Run Love Virtual Race is a great way to stay active through the winter, with the event taking place on February 14.
Flat Mama Friday Star Wars Edition
Tomorrow is a Star Wars Tribute Run/Walk, 2 miles of fun and nerdiness! Shockingly, I have very little actual Star Wars running gear, so this will have to do!
Thursday, December 10, 2015
Thursday Training Update
This last week has been insane! The hubs and I went to Charlotte to look at houses, found one, made an offer, signed paperwork. Plus, he stayed behind to start his new job and I came home to work and to single parent for the week. You never realize how much you count on someone until they're not around! Yikes I'm tired!
I did manage to get some workouts in, though....
Wednesday, December 9, 2015
Tuesday, December 8, 2015
Cold and Flu Season, Nektar Honey Crystals, and a #beesweet #Giveaway
Thanks to Sweat Pink and Nektar Honey Crystals, I have something yummy to put into my tea when I start feeling froggy and thick headed. I received this box set in exchange for an honest review!
So, what are you waiting for? Start entering!!!While you are doing that, I am going to start on my Achievement Board for 2016......
Sunday, December 6, 2015
Moving....a Grand Adventure
The hubs and I took another trip to Charlotte, and this time we found a house! He is making an offer this week, fingers crossed that it's accepted and everything works out as it should! We still have to sell our house, so there will be some juggling!
While we were here, we made sure to get some movement in, and we found a great Greenway to walk through each morning!
We also found that the Carolina Thread Trail passes right behind our house!
Some pictures......
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Thursday Training Update
Lots of running this past week and Hammer and Chisel is finally out, so I am hoping to Kickstart a great winter full of workouts!