Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday, Confessions

In January I completed Dopey. 20+ pounds overweight.

I immediately joined WW after I returned. I hated it, even though it worked for me before.

And then, came

I used this as an excuse not to run, workout, or function as a responsible human being.

It's no surprise, that I am feeling terrible these days!

Mentally, and physically!


SO now it is time to take back my life!

 I updated my ticket at where my screen name is Kimmiep

I pre-ordrered the 21 Day Fix through Beachbody

I've got this!

Has this ever happened to you?

Monday, February 24, 2014

Donna Virtual Race and 4 Pretty Muddy Winners!

What a beautiful weekend we had at the Jersey Shore! A nice break in the weather before the next round of snow hits us! I was especially happy, because I needed to get my 13.1 miles in for the Donna Virtual Race!

 I was devastated that I could not go to the race in person, especially after being chosen as an Ambassador! Unfortunately, with Dopey expenses and upcoming races, and life getting in the way, it just was not fiscally responsible to go. I decided to do the Virtual Race, which meant I needed too run 13.1 miles before March 1. NO problem! I wanted to do the distance all in one day but it just didn't fit my schedule, so I made sure to get it done all in one weekend!
I started out on Saturday morning. The teenie had training for her new job, and I planned to run at a Bike Trail around the corner from the store while she trained. I was hoping for at least an hour, so that I could bang out 5 or 6 miles. They only needed her for a half hour. UGH. I gave her money and told her to get a smoothie and stall a bit, so that I could run 10K.
Off I went. The day was beautiful and I was flying! My pace came easy, people on the trail were mostly friendly, and the miles ticked by. Just around mile 3, she called to tell me about her exciting new job, and I told her I was halfway done, and to give me another 40 minutes.
At mile 4.5 the texts started, both from her and from a  friend who just went back to WW. Yikes. I ended up stopping at mile 5, to answer texts and walked the last mile.

The teenie took this for me, don't I look awesome in my Swirlgear? I was wearing my Run Donna Training tank over it, but it was hot so I took it off. Blogger FAIL. I finished the first 5.1 miles at a 10:20 pace! I have not run that fast in ages! I was happy about it at the time, but totally regretted it later! I still had 8 miles to go!
Sunday morning, I had a fun run to attend. It's called the Train Run, and it is run by my running club, the Jersey Shore Running Club. It is a great run, and they host it a couple of times a year. You hop on the train in Asbury Park, NJ and take the train south to your chosen destination. There are 3 stops: 1 or 2 miles, 4 miles and 6.5 miles. We planned on the 6.5 miles, but decided last minute to add a little extra, and make it an 8 miler. Perfect for my Virtual Race! I got on my Digital Running Club gear, grabbed my Donna bib, and went over to the start. I couldn't wear the Donna bib during the race, but I wanted to bring it in case there were somme photo ops. Then, I forgot I had it. Another blogger FAIL.
At the start of every Train Run, the president, Bob Both, takes a photo of all of the runners. At the last minute, Dave the Trumpeter dashed in, and slid right into the front of all of us. He is in the Tie Dye shirt on the left. Somehow, he picked up a homeless guy on his way in, who is center front. He was a very funny guy, and he kept us all entertained with his antics until it was time to board the train!

The run is always the same for the Train Run, which is nice. You get off of the train in Spring Lake, run to the lake and cross the bridge, and make a beeline for the boardwalk. Once you hit the boardwalk and turn North, you just keep running until you hit "the shell", where you make your left and head back to the bar. At the bar, you get free pizza and beer. Nice! The pizza and beer is the hubs favorite part, and the reason he so gladly accompanies me to this run every year. It was very windy on the boardwalk, and at first it was cold, but soon I was shedding my jacket. This slowed me down, and I lost Eileen and Carol Ann a bit at that point. When I realized I wasn't going to catch up (Carol Ann is super speedy) I turned on the tunes and ran my own pace. It was so beautiful on the boards, even though there was a lot of restoration going on, thanks to Superstorm Sandy. As I was nearing the Shell, Eileen came back and said they were too hot to run the 8, and they were just going to finish the regular course! Fine by me, my legs were TIRED. We headed back to the bar, got our tee and our "medals", and gave our free beer to Dave. The medals were a new addition to the Train Run, they gave leftover medals out from a previous race. It was a nice change, and I can't wait to send one to my buddy Bryce.

After the race, the hubs and I went to Mogo for lunch, and then headed home to grab the dogs and finish the Race. After a 1.5 mile walk, I was officially done! Whew! I was tired!
I spent the rest of the day checking on the finishing times of all of my  Princess and Run Donna friends, who had to fight some pretty scary tornado and lightening storm warnings!

This morning, I picked the winners for the Pretty Muddy giveaway!

I am pleased to announce the following winners:

Congratulations, ladies!!! I will be emailing you all to find out which registration you would like! You will have 48 hours to get back to me.

Did you race this weekend?

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Staying Motivated, Virtual Races with Digital Running

I love Virtual Races! You pay a little money, usually way less than at a live event, run the race, or races, on your own time, and you get bling. Did you hear me?
I love bling.
Last year I discovered the Digital Running Club. Brian, Head Coach Extraordinaire, has come up with  some wonderful challenges to keep us all motivated, with some amazing bling! His bling is better than some I have gotten at a live event! True story!
This year he has several challenges ongoing, and I am super excited to earn them all! Just after I finished Dopey, I wrote all about earning these medals, and I hinted about a surprise challenge. I will give you the details in just a minute.
The Hat Trick Challenge is currently $25, and will go no higher in price. You run 3 of the following distances during the year to earn it: 5K, 10K, Half Marathon, or Full Marathon.
The Grand Slam Challenge is earned by running all 4 distances, and you get BOTH medals! Woot! The price is currently $25 but can go as high as $30, so register soon to get the best price.

I also mentioned the Interstate Challenge, which I will be earning on March 2. You earn it by running a Half or a Full in two different states or Canadian Provinces. I ran a Half (and a Full) in Florida, and I will add NJ on March 2nd. I ran the same races last year to earn this medal! Disney Marathon and E Murray Todd Half Marathon! So exciting to be repeating that performance this year!

I love that this will be my second Interstate Challenge! The cost for this challenge is currently at $20, and the highest it will go is $25. The sooner you register, the better your chance at getting the lowest price possible!

Ok, on to the newest, and the most exciting, Challenge. Well, at least I think it is the most exciting! Why? It keeps you moving all year long!
The Time of the Season Series
Doesn't the name alone get you excited?
This Series is a year long event! You complete four separate challenges during the year, and earn a medal for each challenge. Once you complete all four, you earn a fifth bonus medal. And they interlock. Oh yeah. They become one big mighty BLING! I have seen the bling, but for now I can only show you this:
So let's talk about each Challenge!
We will start with the Spring Dawn Challenge. You earn this bling by running a 5K race, or longer, during March, April, AND May. That is three races, peeps. Once you do this, and submit your results, you will get the above bling. I promise, it is worth the wait, and I will post new pics once they are available to the public! You can sign up for this race on its own, or register for all of them at once to get the fifth and final piece this winter!
Next is the Summer Day Challenge.  This is earned the same way, running one race in June, July, AND August. Again, three races total! Your bling will be in the same shape as the Spring Race.
The third part of the series is Autumn Twilight Challenge.  Again, the same challenge as before, running a race in September, October, AND November! Aren't the names of each Challenge spectacular? I am so freakin excited!
Final Challenge. Possibly the most difficult, especially towards the end, weather wise. This challenge will take you into 2015. The Winters Night Challenge will have you running your races in December, January, AND February.
Once you have completed all 4 Challenges, you will receive the final piece, the bonus BLING that ties them all together. Again, I will post the images once I have them, but here is a sneak peek:

Are you intrigued yet? I actually stopped writing this blog up so that I could go and register! It is currently $58 to sign up for all FOUR challenges, plus a FIFTH bonus bling, but it can get as high as $110, depending on how many people sign up before you! Sign up soon!

******I do not benefit from you signing up, I am an Ambassador for the Digital Running Club, and I LOVE to share about their awesome Challenges, but I am not an Affiliate. All I get is the satisfaction of knowing that I inspired someone else to get out there and move!******

Do you like Virtual Races? Which was your favorite?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Almost Wordless Wednesday, Winter Running Style

Running has been super difficult lately, but I put on my big girl pants, and several other layers, and ran with my friend Eileen Monday morning! The boardwalk was too icy, so we ran along the side of the road, mostly through parking spaces, to get our seven miles in. We even ran along the ocean for about 1.5 miles, even though it slowed us down. A lot.
How do you make it through 7 freezing below freezing miles?
Stop and smell the roses  ocean.......

Write silly things in the sand, hoping that the ocean will just wish wash it away....

Wear layers. Lots of them. And gloves. And a hat. And sunglasses, because the sun reflecting of snow is bright~ I debated not using this picture, because I couldn't suck it all in, but the truth hurts, and I have developed a winter gut. It will be gone soon, because I grabbed a hold of it, and reigned it in!

Check your fitbit when you get home, and dance with glee that you beat your 10,000 step goal by 10:30 am, and surpassed it.

Do you like running when it is cold out?

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Mash Up Conditioning Workout DVD Review and #Giveaway

Around the time of the Disney Marathon, I was contacted by Jamie at Mash Up Conditioning. She asked if I would like to try their new workout DVD, Tempo, in exchange for a review, and I jumped right on it! She found me through Girls Gone Sporty, and I am glad she did!

What I love about these workouts, is that each one is 15 minutes long. You would be amazed at what kind of torture these ladies pout together in 15 minutes. Jamie and Stacy are both moms, and they get that many women don't have more than 15 minutes at a time to workout. They created this DVD, with seven workouts, each 15 minutes long, that combine Strength and Agility, Intervals, and Mind/Body core exercises in each workout! Lots of squats and lunges, combined with upper body movements using weights, core work, and intervals that just kick your butt!
They also have 3 different people in each workout, each working at a different level, and level one is demonstrated by a pregnant woman, showing you how to safely workout while you are pregnant. LOVE!
When I tried the first two workouts, I was trapped in the house by yet another snow storm! I did T1, then walked in place while watching When Calls the Heart, then did T2. Then I plopped on the couch to die in peace. Squats, lunges, planks, ab work, intervals. Ouch. I felt thoroughly worked out, and I was a sweaty mess! I used my kettle bell for one of the exercises, but they demonstrated it using hand weights! 

I also loved the timer in the bottom left corner. At any given moment, you knew how much time you had left before you could die in peace. It was perfect! The instructions were always very clear, the exercises were easy to follow, and there were plenty of ways to modify. Anyone can do these workouts! I look forward to trying T3-7. Included with the DVD is nutrition advice as well as a calendar to help you maximize the benefits!
(In case you are curious about my collage pics, the tank is Swirlgear and the cute lil foot belongs to my buddy Bryce. I run for him, because he cannot run himself. He made me that foot as a shrinky dink!)
The ladies at Mash Up Conditioning have also given me a DVD to pass on to one of my readers! Wooohooo!
The rafflecopter link is below, and I will hold the giveaway for 10 days. I don't usually run 2 giveaways at a time, but I couldn't resist!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

What is your favorite type of workout?

Ways to stalk the ladies at Mash Up:

Monday, February 17, 2014

Pretty Muddy Giveaway .... Take 2

That's right! I have four more entries to giveaway to Pretty Muddy! Special thanks to Girls Gone Sporty for hooking us up! I wrote a lot about Pretty Muddy yesterday, check it out!

 It is no secret that I like to get Muddy, and now you can, too! If you live near, or plan to travel to, one of these locations, then this giveaway is perfect for you!
  • Dallas, April 26th
  • Sacramento, May 3rd
  • Chicago, August 16th
  • Richmond, September 20th

I will be getting Muddy in Chicago, hopefully with my good friend Gigi from Running on Candy! I have 4 entries to give away, 2 for the regular edition of Pretty Muddy, and 2 for the Family Edition!

Want to see some pictures, to get you ready for the big event? Check them out here:

Where do you want to get Muddy?

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Pretty Muddy and Breast Cancer Research ... perfect together!

I am so excited to be able to offer 4 more registrations to Pretty Muddy!  Pretty Muddy has teamed up with Girls Gone Sporty to get all the women Muddy!
This giveaway is a little different! There will be two standard entires to give away, PLUS two Family Edition entries to give away! LOVE it!
What is Pretty Muddy?
Pretty Muddy is a women only mud run put together by two awesome husbands who wanted to show their wives a little Muddy love! From the website:

Pretty Muddy was started by a couple of businessmen who were inspired by their wives – their pretty cool wives. Watching their partners juggle kids, households, carpools and careers – while still having time for the occasional ladies’ night – got the men thinking:
These awesome women deserve more time for themselves. Time for balance and time to be themselves without their families. Because even the greatest mom, businesswoman or grandma sometimes needs time that is just her own.
Like those pretty cool wives, today’s women are looking for a way to get together and focus on friendship, fun and fitness – without their significant others, their kids and the stress of the daily grind.
With the help of their wives and an incredible team of creative and motivated people, the two businessmen created an inaugural series of events called Pretty Muddy.
More than a mud run, it’s an exciting women-only event where you can let your hair down and have fun! And that’s pretty awesome.

SO very cool! I will be getting Muddy in Chicago in August, where do you want to get Muddy?
Dallas, Texas on April 26
Sacramento, California on May 3
Chicago, Illinois on August 16
Richmond, Virginia on September 20

If you live near, or want to travel to, one of these races, be sure to enter the giveaway! I will be posting the giveaway tomorrow, and drawing the winners on February 25th!

As if all of this is not perfect enough, the peeps at Pretty Muddy also support Breast Cancer Research, and women fighting the good fight!

Pretty Muddy will be giving away 250 entries to Survivors! They also hope to raise thousands of dollars for Susan G Komen Dallas!

Komen Dallas County serves thousands of Dallas County women in 30 cities as the local source for funding programs that:
  • provide low-cost or free screening mammograms, diagnostic testing and breast cancer treatment to uninsured or underinsured Dallas County residents
  • provide support services before, during and after breast cancer treatment
Komen Dallas County empowers Dallas County residents with information about the importance of early detection and breast health.
They donate 75 percent of net funds raised to vital local breast health services, and dedicate the remaining 25 percent to national research to find the cures.
Since 1992, Komen Dallas County has invested more than $19 million into Dallas County via its annual community grants program to fund breast health programs and services for medically-under served Dallas County residents.
They are hosting this program in Richmond and Chicago as well! You can donate here if you would like to support these awesome programs!

Look out tomorrow for the Rafflecopter to win an entry into one of these awesome races!

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Toilet Tree Skin Care System Review

*****I was provided with a Toilet Tree Skin Care System in exchange for this review. As always, all opinions are my own!****

I was so excited when Jamie from Toilet Tree Products asked me if I would like to review their Skin Care System! The Water-Resistant Professional Skin Care Face and Body Brush System has so many uses, I could not resist trying it out!

Skin Care System Features:
  • System includes 4 interchangeable brush heads: 2 face brushes (1 soft for sensitive skin, 1 medium for normal skin); 1 large body brush; 1 pumice sphere for tough foot skin
  • Battery operated (4 AA batteries included with purchase)
  • Water-resistant design allows for use in the shower
  • Water-resistant strap for convenient hanging and storage
  • Available in 6 colors: Pink, Purple, Green, Blue, Gray, and Black

Skin Care System Benefits:
  • Reduces the appearance of problem areas, such as: dead skin cells, oily skin, dry patches, fine lines, blemishes, visible pores, blackheads and wrinkles
  • Stimulates skin renewal and improves overall skin clarity and appearance
  • Energizes skin and leaves it smooth, soft and radiant
  • Cleans deep to help remove stubborn makeup
  • Enhances absorption of moisturizes

First, let's just say three cheers for batteries included! 
I decided to try it in the shower first, with my facial cleanser. I used the softest brush, and it was like having a facial in the shower! It was so relaxing, and my skin felt amazing afterwards! I let the teenie use it, too, and she didn't want to give it back!
Check out the top left of the bottom picture. Pumice! Every runner's best friend! My poor feet are a mess all of the time, and I just loved this feature! It really helps with my poor, dry, cracked heels! I used my foot cream afterwards, and it was like I done two treatments instead of one!
I have to try the large body brush next, but the teenie stole it back! Little demon! Once I get it back, I may never want to leave the shower! It will be like having a spa at home! I *was* hanging it on the towel bar right outside my shower, which, of course, made it so easy for the teenie to steal! 
Mine is gray, but it does come in all sorts of colors, so go nuts! The link for purchasing this relaxing Skin Care System is below! I highly recommend this, especially if you like relaxing spa-like showers! 


Want to see all that Toilet Tree has to offer? You can stalk check them out here:

Do you like using Spa products when you shower?

Monday, February 10, 2014

Pretty Muddy Winners!

WOW! I have been away for almost a week! Shame on me!
Today was the hubs and the teenie's birthday and the last few days have been all about them!


It is all about ...... who?

Who will be joining Team Pretty Muddy?

Congratulations to Gigi and Debi! Please email me at and let mw know what location you would like to participate in, so that I can get you the code for registrations!

Is it still snowing in your neck of the woods? We had snow last night and another storm is heading or way Wednesday night!

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Wordless Wednesday Workout Edition

It has been crazy snow/ice/sleet here at the Jersey Shore, so most of these are indoor workouts!

today, I did FIRM sculpt, 3 miles of Power Walking with 5 minutes of planks in between

24, while waling in place. Heaven.

I don't know why I never screen shot the end, but this was part of a 7 mile run

another walk in place while watching I am Legend

It has come to my attention that sometimes comments don't post! If this happens to you, and you have an extra minute, please email me at so that I can contact Blogger and see why!

Did you watch the finale of Biggest Loser? What did you think of Rachel's final weigh in?

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Listen While You Workout Campaign

***I was given a free audio book in exchange for this post, all opinions are, as always, my own***

I have heard so many of my fellow bloggers post about listening to audio books or reading on the treadmill while they run, and it has always intrigued me. I am definitely a runner who needs her tunes, but I have run a lot of races lately without any music at all, as well. 
I was recently contacted about this amazing  Challenge, which is in its second year, run by Macmillan Audio. It is a simple challenge! You listen to an audiobook while you run, and log your times at the website. There is a box right on the page telling you who is in the top 5:

There are also samples of audiobooks for you to try out! If you scroll all the way down, there is a sweepstakes for a FitBit Flex, with three runners up receiving 5 FREE audiobooks! WOW!

What are you waiting for? Check out the info below, and get started today!



When you start thinking about ways to motivate yourself and your readers to get back in shape this spring, why not consider audiobooks?!? Audiobooks are the ideal motivators for fitness, pushing listeners to run the extra mile, finish the extra set, or spend the extra twenty minutes on the elliptical in order to finish the next chapter of their favorite book on their iPod!
This February, Macmillan Audio will launch their second annual LISTEN WHILE YOU WORK OUT CAMPAIGN, encouraging people to get back in shape through audiobook listening. The campaign’s hub, which will go live in February, will be www.macmillanaudio/workout. Active listeners can join the program by signing up on the website and logging in the amount of minutes that they spent listening to audiobooks that week. The website will include sample audiobooks that will push listeners to work out longer, and examples of how many calories they will burn while listening to chapters from those particular audiobook while doing various activities. Each week, the website will highlight the top five listeners (who have worked out the most) and be updated with new audiobook releases, testimonials from participants, and words of encouragement to keep listeners on track to keep going and burn more calories!
The campaign will run from February to June and participants are encouraged to join at any point during that period in order to get in shape and enjoy great books while doing it.

For additional information please contact:
Esther Bochner, Publicity Manager, Macmillan Audio
175 Fifth Avenue | 3rd Floor | New York, NY 10010 | T: 646-347-5043 | F: 917-534-0980 |

Have you ever listened to an Audiobook while running? 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Pretty Muddy 2014 #Giveaway

I love mud runs.
It is definitely no secret! If there is mud involved, I am there!

 Which is why, for the second year, I am honored to be a Pretty Muddy Ambassador!

Pretty Muddy is an all women's mud run! From their website:
Pretty Muddy was started by a couple of businessmen who were inspired by their wives – their pretty cool wives. Watching their partners juggle kids, households, carpools and careers – while still having time for the occasional ladies’ night – got the men thinking:
These awesome women deserve more time for themselves. Time for balance and time to be themselves without their families. Because even the greatest mom, businesswoman or grandma sometimes needs time that is just her own.
Like those pretty cool wives, today’s women are looking for a way to get together and focus on friendship, fun and fitness – without their significant others, their kids and the stress of the daily grind.
With the help of their wives and an incredible team of creative and motivated people, the two businessmen created an inaugural series of events called Pretty Muddy.
More than a mud run, it’s an exciting women-only event where you can let your hair down and have fun! And that’s pretty awesome.

What better way to participate in your first (or fifth, or tenth) mud run is there? You can see short clips of the obstacles here! They have also added a Family Edition, so you can get muddy with your kids!
As much as I would love to get Muddy this year, it just doesn't come close enough to me, here at the Jersey Shore. My loss is your gain, though!
Because Pretty Muddy gave me TWO registrations to give away! Party!!!!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Pretty simple, right? I will announce the winner on February 9th! Be sure that Pretty Muddy will coming to your area before entering!
Also, be sure to stalk Follow them so that you can see the awesome workouts and images they post!

Have you ever done a mud run?